Thursday, August 15, 2019

1972 MGB/GT Rescue

 Picked this up last Spring as a project. It wasn't getting much love on the market, probably due to the 'serious rust' issues. We all know that rust is the deal breaker, right?
Well, I went to take a look since it was local. Yep. It had some big ol rust holes in both sides and the back.

But, I knew something about it -- it was a California car for most of its life before being moved here to NC. California cars rust the doglegs because they get full of road dirt and it traps moisture.
The rest of the car showed no other signs of rust underneath, although the rear hatch did have a couple rust holes at the bottom edge. Probably a leaking window seal. The car ran (poorly) and drove and was straight, complete, and fairly unmolested. So I made a deal and brought it home. 


I thought I could get this car on the road fairly quickly. So, just now getting around to working on it, starting with that dogleg rust.

As I suspected, the rust was very limited. It hadn't been driven where they salted roads.

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