I am NOT going to repaint this car in its original "Harvest Gold" color. I absolutely hate that color. But I really want to try to stay with an orignal color choice, and like the dark 'British Racing Green' on these cars.
"Green Mallard" was one of the original factory colors offered in 1972 for the MGBGT. It's a fairly unusual shade of green, and it's difficult to find good color references for it. The factory color code, BLVC22, is no longer known in any current paint databases, and I don't have access to an original-paint car to take a color sample. One has to rely on color cross references found online, that are also very old themselves.
I just did a test sprayout, with some of the topcoat that I'm probably going to use, to check for color. It's a PPG single-stage urethane from their "Concept" line. This is PPG's best and very expensive, so I only got one pint of color mixed right now. I used a hastily prepared panel that I had cut off from a fender previously (so it still has some rust holes). This Concept really sprays out nice - flattens very nicely right off the gun without having to pound it on. For this test the gun I used was an Iwata Kiwami 4-13BA4 with 1.3mm cap. For only about $160, it's a really nice spraying gun.
I had to get it out in the sunlight to see the true color. The 5600K shop lights just don't have much color spectrum in them. The color really woke up when I got it out in the sunlight. Looks about right for green mallard I think.